Fundraising to support Sophia-Arrupe International Residence
As its mission and vision, Sophia-Arrupe International Residence is seeking to practice human education based on Sophia University’s founding spirit of Christian humanism and to make it a place for bringing up globally competent human resources with a sense of mission of “Sophia—Bringing the World Together.”
Overview of fundraising
Objectives of fundraising
Your donations will be used for the economic support of students and education programs with a view to realizing the dormitory’s mission and vision (*).
Target sum
200 million yen
*As its mission and vision, Sophia-Arrupe International Residence is seeking to practice human education based on Sophia University’s founding spirit of Christian humanism and to make it a place for bringing up globally competent human resources with a sense of mission of “Sophia—Bringing the World Together.”
The website shown by the following link introduces a broad array of activities at the dormitories run directly by Sophia University.